
Specialty Food Association Presides NYC Market with its “Fancy Food”! New York, By: Dr. Walid ElNaggar  


Specialty Food Association (SFA) is planning to hold its marvelous world-class “Fancy Food” exhibition in last day of June 2018, where many food companies from different parts of the world come to the US to showcase their products, innovations, and potentials!  In such a venue one may find limitless companies starting from those providing seeds up to those who market and distribute.  However, the amazing is that you may find other companies that market their products, as a related or attached service to the food companies.  This category might include those of sell the technology as well as the equipment for sales, pricing and handling!

No doubt that various non-US based companies have such huge potentials to at least find an agent or a distributor.  Such a huge event is organized on classified-based sections, where the visitor would enjoy both knowledge and taste from a various array of companies for each country.

Pretty much like visitors, companies agree that the exhibition was stunning in its impact, where the common message of self-promoting for each entity is properly convey via the opulently adorned tables of free samples and gifts.  The size rent by each company varies according to its size and fame!  As is the case, the bigger the size of the rented area of the company the more important its status or market share, especially when its section is elaborately embellished; an opportunity that not only reflects its sumptuous but more importantly provides such companies with unrivaled pubic exposure among other guru companies that flaunt their products!

It is worth noticing that SFA, founded in 1952 as “the National Association for the Specialty Food Trade”, represents more than 3500 member-companies in the field of food industry, where representation is achieved through membership!  As much as it is, SFA tends to play a major role in the field of food industry, based on respected data bank together with educational events and electronic (on-line) networking opportunities for its members!  Statistically, SFA announced that total sales of specialty food in the US exceeded $127 billion in 2016!

Additionally, SFA offers many opportunities for hands-on experience through its workshops and various events it holds both during the exhibition and in between.  The occasion of the event is considered a valuable business opportunity for those who seek to enlarge their resources through the meetings organized by SFA before and during the exhibition.  SFA gives fair opportunities for attendees to attend the exhibition, with discounted rate if registered few months before the event.  Worth noticing that SFA offers full service for its exhibitors starting from organizing their personal accommodation, transportation, till providing translators and helpers to the exhibiting companies.  SFA maintains good communication with its members through its e-newsletter, where it manifests news about its members, their achievements and new products.  Moreover, SFA meant to care for details, where attendees would enjoy the event, specially the SFA staff members are friendly and helpful at all locations.  SFA provide special services exhibitors and media affiliates, such as room equipped with different resources and chargers for their phones and batteries.

Finally, it is to say that SFA has successfully established an ideal model for industries in other fields to follow, where SFA practically helps all parties in the field of food industry.


Dr. Walid ElNaggar

([email protected]

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