أخبار العالم

Muslim Officers Society, New York City Police Department Iftar Ramadan Dinner $ Award Ceremony 06/04/18

Vision Newspaper -Amged Maky


For the tenth year in a row, the New York City Police Department has been keen to set up this annual celebration to show how tolerant the city is and to show the positive spirit of citizens and residents, as well as the attention given by the police to the provision of all security services to citizens, with high level of safety.


New York City police are joined by more than 40,000 officers across the city’s five districts. Muslim city police officers have established an association in their name, as their number exceeds 1,000 police officers. Through this annual celebration of Ramadan breakfast, the New York City Police Department is pleased to invite all those interested in public work to serve the city’s residents. The celebration will be attended by public figures, representatives of civil society organizations and members of the corps. Diplomatic and consular accredited city and media.


Some of the public figures were honored, including Dr. Zarif Basleus, cultural and social activist and chairman of the American-Egyptian Presidential Council. The police leaders took the pictures with the attendees, as the NYPD Commissioner Oneill and many of the social and service leaders of the city shook hands. The attendees thanked everyone, especially Captin Mohamed Amen and Captain Ahmed Nasser of the NYPD police for the excellent efforts they always make to the Arab community in New York.


Among the participants were Consul General of the United Arab Emirates in New York Consul Majid Al Suwaidi, Consul General of Pakistan in New York Raja Al-Jass and Advisor Ahmad Rahmi of the Consulate General of the Arab Republic of Egypt in New York City and Counselor Naif Al-Fadhli of the Saudi Consulate in New York, The owner of the famous Turkish restaurants in the city, and many media people including Amged Maky, Editor in Chief Vision newspaper and Maged Amin New Egypt and public figures, including Ms. Fatima Aqil, who was working with the Saudi delegation to the United Nations and Professor Joseph Boutros social activist and Dr. / P Basilius and many public figures in New York.



This celebration comes every year to underscore the keenness of the New York City Police Department to be present and interact with the Muslim community in the city in recognition of the positive role that the community offers to the American society.

رؤية نيوز

موقع رؤية نيوز موقع إخباري شامل يقدم أهم واحدث الأخبار المصرية والعالمية ويهتم بالجاليات المصرية في الخارج بشكل عام وفي الولايات المتحدة الامريكية بشكل خاص .. للتواصل: [email protected]

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