أخبار الجالياتأخبار من أمريكاالجالية المصرية في أمريكاعاجل
Photos & Videos: Coptic American Law Enforcement Organization Holds its Scholarship Awards Ceremony in 1 Police Plaza

Exclusive: Roayaa News
The Coptic American Law Enforcement Organization held its Inaugural Scholarship Awards Ceremony at one Police Plaza last week in a historic evening welcoming the Egyptian community into NYPD Headquarters. For the first time in NYPD history, the Egyptian flag was raised alongside the American flag and the Egyptian national anthem played bringing a sense of pride to all Egyptians present.
Five High School students received a scholarship to help with their college education, three of which were in attendance. The five award recipients, Verena Faheem, Angela Morcos, Karen Naseif, Michael Zaki and Kirols Tadres, demonstrated their commitment to higher education by keeping a high academic average. They partook in various forms of charity work and community service and submitted an essay on how to promote their Egyptian heritage and Coptic identity.
Among those in attendance were:
NYPD Deputy Commissioner Employee Relations, Lisa D. White, NYPD Chief of Patrol, John Chell, NYPD Deputy Commissioner Equity and Inclusion, Wendy Garcia, NYPD Chief of Internal Affairs Bureau, Miguel Iglesias, NYPD Assistant Commissioner Employee Relations, Kenneth Morgan, NYPD Assistant Commissioner Public Information Carlos Nieves, NYPD Commanding Officer of Gun Violence Division, Chief Jason Savino, NYPD Retired Chief of Transit Joseph Fox, Detectives Endowment Association President Paul DiGiacomo, Patrol Benevolent Association President, Patrick Hendry, First Vice President Dan Tirelli, Recording Secretary Betty Carradero, and Citywide Trustee Myle Cleveland, Kelly Hernandez, NY Law Enforcement Foundation Administrator, Father Dr. Mina Shahid, Dr. Hani Ashamalla, Dr. Ayman Farag, Deacon Boles Malak, Madam Nesrine Farouk, Yasser Noureldin, George Fayez, Happy Helal, Bahaa Emil, Mariam Toma, community leaders, Happiness Organization for Human Relief. Special thanks to Christian Youth Channel, members of the Coptic American Law Enforcement Organization and the Executive Board of Coptic American Law Enforcement Organization:
– President, Lieutenant Mariana Zakhary
– 1st Vice President, Police Officer Michael Said
– 2nd Vice President, Nabil Hanna, Executive Director Forensic Investigations
– Treasurer, Auxiliary Sergeant Sameh Eskaroas
– Secretary, Sergeant Viviane Perrone
Congratulations to all award recipients on a job well done and more success to follow
Coptic American Law Enforcement Organization Website
Coptic American Law Enforcement Organization Website
Coptic American Law Enforcement Organization Website