
Retail Business in The Capital of the World New York (December, 2019), By: Dr. Walid ElNaggar

No doubt that retail business throughout human history has led to the current technology in all fields. The idea of the retail market has greatly developed to the extent that it evolved into a whole realm of science, where you have a complete cycle of the industry, starting with the input. Input, however, in the field of retail business has to include so many factors relating to both social, psychological and economic factors. This makes a fat equation that keeps evolving and developing to include all aspects of practice in almost all fields.
One of the big stories that prove the vibrancy of the retail business is the International Council of Shopping Centers- ICSC, which was established six decades ago, in Chicago. Currently, ICSC is guru establishment, with members around the world. ICSC turns to be a practical platform that includes both academic and professional practices to be melt in one pot, to produce more development and innovation in the realm of retail business.
ICSC stands out as a proof of critical thinking of insightful people, the founders, who foresaw the importance of retail business. ICSC now covers many areas, such as shopping, real estate, training, courses, and cooperation with many entities.
ICSC, as an example of an active community entity, strongly tries to reinvigorate not just the retail business but more importantly take initiatives to dialogue with government policies and support government decisions that encourage retail business.
Sd much as ICSC tries to cover all practical sectors of retail business, ICSC also devoted part of its resources to establish various courses and certificates in the arena of retail business.
Similarly, one can benefit from the many events ICSC holds all year round.
ICSC holds its annual conference in NYC, to promote retail business and create opportunities for communication among owners of the retail business.

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