بقلوب مؤمنة بقضاء الله وقدره تنعى جريدة روية نيوز الدكتور/ أحمد جابر رئيس الجمعية العربية الامريكية والذى انتقل الى جوار ربه فجر اليوم فى بروكلين بنيويورك 
العزاء للاسرة الكريمة ولابناء الجالية العربية الامريكية والتى كانت محل اهتمام وتقدير الراحل .
أحمد محارم
أمجد مكي


Habib Joudeh
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
والله ان القلب ليحزن وان العين لتدمع وانا على فراقك يا اخي يا دكتور احمد جابر لمحزونون . وبمزيد من الحزن والاسى وبقلوب منفطرة من الالم ولكن مؤمنة بقضاء الله وقدره انعي اخي وصديقي الدكتور احمد جابر واللذي انتقل الى جوار ربه فجر هذا اليوم عن عمر يناهز السادسه والسبعون عاما قضاها في طاعة الله وفي خدمة المجتمع رحمه الله واسكنه فسيح جناته
With heavy hearts from all the communities and the Arab American association Especially with all sadness and pain but believing in God and his choice I am announcingan the departure OF MY BROTHER DR : AHMAD JABER TODAY EARLY MORNING , GOD CHOSE DR JABER TO BE WITH HIM , MAY HE REST IN PEACE ,GOD BLESS HIS SOUL


Salam alaikum

Asalamo alaikum

To Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.

On behalf of the Jaber Family we sincerely thank you all for your heartfelt prayers and well wishes. We recognize the deep desire for friends to show condolences for our father/uncle. We see you, we hear you and we appreciate the outpouring of support.

With that being said, as a lifelong health care provider, our father/uncle would not want to worsen the COVID crisis nor disregard public health restrictions intended for the safety of our community.

Therefore we’re asking, first and foremost, if you would like to pay your respects to please make prayers and dua at home.

At some future date we plan to honor his memory with a more public gathering.

In order to abide by laws and regulations the Janaza and Azza will also be restricted in number and limited to men only. We ask that you please help us honor our father/uncle and his commitment to the well being of our community by staying home and staying safe. This is the best way to show our respect and care for one another, which is all our father/uncle ever wanted.

Thank you again. Your show of love and support has given us comfort and strength in this difficult time.


The Jaber Family


Ansam Hussein Zeina

 is with 

Ahmad Jaber


tSrpomS2n hsosrrfesdf  ·

انا لله وانا اليه راجعون

Dr Ahmad Jaber was a person who has done so much yet did not want anyone to know. He was a person who assisted young and old, Arab and non-Arab. He did not discriminate, he made himself available to the community when he was needed. Dr Jaber was a person who stood for what was fair and right even though not favorable by many people. He was loved by his patients, colleagues, and the people of the community. Inshallah his memory and work will live on forever. May he Rest In Peace, Allah yirhamo. He will truly be missed.



Hebba Saker

tSrpomS3n hsosrrfesdf  ·

The outpour on Facebook for our beloved community member Dr. Jaber is just a symbol of the impact he had on everyones lives.

I remember my very first days at the AAANY Dr. Jaber approached me with his kindest words telling me how I had a bright future ahead of me. He was my mentor throughout my years at AAANY. I remember on the stressful days i had there I would see Dr. Jaber come in with that smile on his face it will just lighten up the room!

Fast forward a year after working there Dr. Jaber trusted me to take care of his precious little boy while he attended his meetings, that alone meant the world to me. May your impact on us all be carried on to him insha’Allah!

In 2013 when my kateb Kitab in New Jersey failed due to being a New York resident all I had to do was pick up my phone and call you, next day you were at our door ready to sign our kateb kitab. You were always ready to be a helping hand to everyone in the community.

Allah yerhamak Amu Ahmad

Ahmad Jaber


Linda Sarsour

tSrpomS5n hsosrrfesdf  ·

I am at a loss for words.

Dr. Jaber, my heart will never be the same. You have been with me at every step of my life. You were my mother’s OBGYN and delivered me as a baby. You did the call to prayer in my ear and was the first man to ever hold me as a newborn.

You were also the imam at the mosque so you performed all of my families marriage ceremonies. You also delivered many of our kids. You were a staple in every family affair, community event, always in my life and in my orbit.

It didn’t stop there. Then you changed my life forever. You and Basemah Atweh called me after the horrific attacks of 9/11 and said you needed me. I came no questions asked. I was 21 years old studying to be a High school English teacher. I had no idea what I could do to help my beloved community who was being targeted. Dr. Jaber knew. He said Allah chooses people. That Allah chose me. I followed Dr. J’s lead. I listened to every word. I followed every instruction. In 2002, he began to pay me $10 an hour out of his own pocket because he said I couldn’t do this work for free. I was working too hard. He always passed me a mic. He loved that I was a strong headed Palestinian woman and that I was from Brooklyn. While some male leaders were turned off by my passion, energy and Brooklyn attitude – Dr. Jaber celebrated me and kept pushing me forward.

Eventually, Dr. Jaber and I shared a great loss. We lost a sister and best friend in Basemah Atweh. We vowed to each other that we would continue to build the Arab American Association in her honor. I committed myself to Dr. J’s vision. I am proud to know that Dr. J left this earth knowing that we fulfilled that vision.

Dr. J was a humble man. He never wanted anyone to know when he did good work, when he gave generously. He was a key investor in almost every single Arab or Muslim org in New York City. We are because of him.

Dr. J was my spiritual advisor. He taught me my faith, not just through words but through action. I read every book he gave me, every email he wrote me and every dua he sent me. Dr. J was also my landlord. When I was being evicted from a building after new owners wanted it vacated – Dr. J rented me a great apartment in Bay Ridge. He literally gave me a home in a community i love.

Dr. J was also my counselor. Every time I had a rough day, week or was going through really dark times – he was there. One time I was in an Uber after receiving a very scary call and he was the first person I called. I told him I was having a heart attack and he laughed and said come to my house now – trust me you are not having a heart attack. That was enough for me to calm down, go see him and realize I was having a panic attack. Two hours with him and I was re-centered. I was back on track.

I am who I am today as a leader because of Dr. Ahmad Jaber. May he reap the benefits of all the good those he loved and mentored over the years do. May we be your sadaqah jariyah, Dr. J.

God has gained an angel. A man of great integrity, a man who loved and was loved and gave everything he had to alleviate the suffering of God’s creation.

I love you, Dr. J and I will pray for you till the day I leave this earth too. Inshallah we will be reunited with Basemah in Paradise.

My heart will never be whole again. I loved you like I love my own father. Rest in power Dr. J. We got it from here.

Inna lilahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon. To Allah we belong, and to Him is our return.



Debbie Almontaser


This morning the news of Dr.

Ahmad Jaber

‘s passing was announced. إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّ إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un, Indeed, to Allah we belong and to Allah we shall return.

Dr. Jaber was a pillar in the Arab and Muslim American community. He was m teacher, mentor, and big brother. He will be missed, however he is leaving a legacy we will always remember when we go to the Islamic Mission of America, Dawood mosque where he served as the president, Beit Almaqdis mosque, and the

Arab American Association of NY

. All of his work has been a sadaqah jariyah (Sadaqah jariyah is an act of giving in a way that keeps on giving) for Musilms and non-Muslims. The 5 acts of sadaqah jariyah are as follows and I can attest to Dr. Jaber fulfilling all 5.

1. Sponsoring a Child or Orphan
2. Education / Skills / Teaching / Spreading Awareness of Islam
3. Building a Water Well
4. Partaking in the Building of a Mosque, School or Hospital
5. Donating Religious Material (Quran and Hadith books)
Dr. Jaber will continue to live in our hearts and the memories we each have of him. Earlier this week, I did a prerecorded tribute to him, which I have shared here not to get more views, but to share with you how special he was to me and my family. This is how he wanted to be remembered and for that, we should honor his request.
I want to extend my condolences to his entire family, his colleagues at AAANY, Dawood Mosque and friends here and abroad.
In closing, May Allah shower Dr. Jaber with mercy and grace and grant him the highest of jennah. May Allah accept him with open arms to rest until we see each other again.

Summer Gheith

 is with 

Rowieda Jaber


Ahmad Abdelfattah


4 theSurlrphonssorerrd  ·

It is remarkable to see and be able to witness the number of hearts our dear dr.

Ahmad Jaber

has touched. It is both sad and comforting to read the outpouring of testimonials to our beloved dr. Jaber that is flooding my news feed. Amo ahmad you are one of the most selfless men I ever had the privilege of knowing. You love so deeply and would give your all for absolutely anyone. You motivate those around you to do better and be better and for that everyone will be eternally grateful. Allah yerhamak ya rab. Your smile, your kind-heartedness and the endless memories will forever be instilled in our hearts. Inshallah he is rewarded the highest level of Jennah

Family and friends, I ask of you whether you had the privilege of meeting/knowing dr.ahmad Jaber or not to please keep him and his family in your prayers as we all mourn such a great loss.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un

Surely, we belong to Allah and to Him we shall return

Surat al fatiha please.


Mohamed Sadeia

4 theSurlrphonssorerrd  ·

انا لله وانا اليه راجعون

غفر الله للدكتور احمد جابر

Ahmad Jaber

ورحمه واسكنه فسيح جناته.

To allah we all belong and to him we shall return, may Allah forgive Dr Jaber shower him with mercy and reward him the best for his deed in the Arab muslim community.



Fouzia Abdelaziz

 is with 

Ahmad Jaber


5 theSurlrphonssorerrd  ·

May we all honor your name and live by your examples. Many great memories, you were the first to hold my son and I, and the first voice we heard when you called the Adhaan in our ear. You were a beautiful soul and May Allah grant you the highest level in Jannah! Allah Yerhamo Dr. Jaber.



Aliya Latif

5 ucthtSphortngisoreds  ·

Please remember our Dr.

Ahmad Jaber

in your duas as you would your fathers, teachers, mentors, beloveds. He has returned to our Creator.

I can still hear him telling me how he was measuring the success of his recovery according to how many movements of his salat (prayer) he could perform successfully despite the pain. S’A teaching even in sickness to love and appreciate each salat posture and movement. Teaching us how to live with purpose.

We love you Dr. J.

Inna lilahi was inna lilahi rajaioon.


نُشر بواسطة رؤية نيوز

موقع رؤية نيوز موقع إخباري شامل يقدم أهم واحدث الأخبار المصرية والعالمية ويهتم بالجاليات المصرية في الخارج بشكل عام وفي الولايات المتحدة الامريكية بشكل خاص .. للتواصل: amgedmaky@gmail.com

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